Superior sighted accuracy. Increases your immersion and eases your OCD My rant about why I made this mod: Realistically, just based on the design of the pipe sniper rifle, without a clip it can't hold any more than 1 bullet. value Thus, it doesn't allow for a .45 auto, and unlike the revolver, the damage per shot cannot be improved. Pipe Bolt Action Rifle: Aesthetically speaking, it looks like en elongated piece of crap. 95 A crude, makeshift weapon manufactured by less than talented smiths after the Great War. Superior sighted accuracy. The .38 receiver can be adapted to fire .45 ammunition; this may be advantageous in comparison with the .45 pipe revolver. Superior recoil and aim with scopes. perks to maximize these weapons' potential, pipe bolt-action weapons become largely obsolete. Pipe Sniper Rifle is a Gun in Fallout 4. The pipe rifle is a very flexible weapon, despite its crude appearance. There’s plenty of videos ahowing them off. Better recoil and aim with scopes. A pipe bolt-action sniper rifle may be found next to a dead raider in an upstairs room of a house along the road north of the. The main difference between this entry and the 10th entry is the receiver, as the Pipe Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle uses .50 caliber rounds instead of the low-damaging .308. black dude with hate and laser gun) But im tired if having all these "pipe" guns. Night vision. Improved bash. 0014831A. Pipe rifle is a weapon in Fallout 4. Fire rate is abysmal, slower than even the Hunting Rifle, so follow up shots are not usually feasible. 1 Background 2 Characteristics 3 Modifications 3.1 Receiver 3.2 Barrel 3.3 Grip 3.4 Magazine 3.5 Sights 3.6 Muzzle 4 Locations 5 See also A crude, makeshift weapon manufactured by less than talented smiths after the Great War. weight accuracy Better magnification. The pipe bolt-action weapon frame may not perform as well as other high-caliber options, but it's remarkably versatile and easily acquired. Mods that reduce recoil are best for automatic fire. The pipe bolt-action is a weapon in Fallout 4. Tracks targets. Receiver; Barrel; Grip / Stock; Magazine; Scope / … Reduced hip-fire accuracy. Trudy at the Drumlin Dinersells a suppressed bolt-action pipe gun. Where is there a legit military grade type Sniper or Assualt rifles like AR15s etc? Buy Online with safety transaction. Try the one entitled “Fallout 4|Best Pistol in the Game” (thumbnail should be a red back drop with a pipe gun). 30 Exceptional per-shot recoil. If you searching to test Rifle Fallout 4 Kneecapper Pipe Rifle price.This item is quite nice product. This modification is unfortunately in place of other receiver modifications, rather than in addition to. Weapons in this category include guns (pistols, rifles, shotguns, etc), blades, swords, grenades amongst many others. 1 Background 2 Characteristics 3 Modifications 4 Locations 5 See also The crude pipe bolt-action pistol has been modified with a stock, increasing its range and accuracy beyond the standard handheld platform. Gunslinger (with grip)Rifleman (with stock)Bloody MessBasherAstoundingly Awesome 2 (with scope)Ace Operator (with suppressor) Core stats 34 Better critical shot damage and accuracy. Superior range and sighted accuracy. 6 Poor range. You also need to complete certain quests for you to enjoy their benefits. The game allows you to use 15 sniper rifles to conquer your enemies at different levels. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Like other makeshift firearms, pipe bolt-action weapons are commonly carried by settlers and low-level enemies, such as raiders, in early parts of the game. Fallout 4 is an incredibly fun game for players who like using weapons such as sniper rifles. Inferior range. Superior magnification and sighted accuracy. No accuracy penalty while firing. While rather weak compared to "real" weapons, t… Improved magnification. A crude, homemade weapon, the pipe gun models were common in pre-war Detroit street gangs. Superior magnification and sighted accuracy. We would recommend this store to suit your needs. However, once the more powerful contenders become available and the player character has invested enough points in the Gun Nut and Science! Long barrel: 58.49 m (191.9 ft). Exceptional sighted accuracy. DKS-501 Sniper Rifle. Fallout 4 weapon Superior recoil, range and sighted accuracy. Pipe rifles can make for a decent early assault rifle once the player accumulates a good supply of .38 ammo. Changes ammo type .38 Caliber. Better recoil. Improved per-shot recoil. Exceptional damage. Gun NutScience! Only sniper rifle that uses expensive 308. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. range Better recoil. .308 round Improved bash. form ID damage Pipe bolt-action Pipe Sniper Rifle Information Mod Slots. Reduced damage. It’s as close to a strong sniper rifle as you’ll get in the early game, you can actually find one in a house in Concord so I highly recommend new players pick it up as soon as possible. fire rate My Sniping weapon of choice for most situations: The Pipe Bolt Action Sniper Rifle. clip size Superior damage. 63 ammo Pipe guns can be found in large quantities throughout the entire Commonwealth. While the long finned barrel modification makes it so shot spread does not increase while firing, the pipe bolt-action does not benefit from this for subsequent shots due to how slowly the weapon fires. Poor hip-fire accuracy. weapon type 3.2 Plasma Rifle: Cannot be suppressed in any way. Technical damage Improved recoil control. Improved hip-fire accuracy. Commonly found on raiders throughout the wasteland. Changes ammo type to .50 Caliber. Look up “wounding pipe gun” on YouTube. An up-to-date, searchable list of Fallout 4 Weapon IDs. Makeshift semi-automatic pistols have a plethora of modifications available and can be extensively customized to suit an individual play style, from a close quarters combat weapon to a crude sniper rifle; however, in order to create a pipe rifle, one must craft a stock for the pipe pistol. Superior magnification and sighted accuracy. You need the Gun Nut Perk to improve this Weapon. Better per-shot recoil. Pipe Gun base damage has been raised from 13 to 24 (-6 from the Assault Rifle) Pipe Revolver base damage has been raised from 24 to 32 (-16 from the .44 Magnum, due to using .45 rounds stock) Bolt Action Pipe Sniper Rifle base damage has been raised from 34 to 38 (+1 from the Hunting Rifle) Most of these weapons work well with mods and perks. Weapons are items used to inflict damage on other characters/players. Better magnification., For an overview of the various makeshift weapon platforms known as "Pipe rifle/pistol", see, Short barrel: 32.9 m (107.94 ft) While the basic pipe gun is a jack-of-all-trades that shines in fully automatic versions tailored for close quarters combat, the bolt-action variant puts emphasis on hard-hitting precision at medium to long range. Exceptional sighted accuracy and recoil. Tracks targets. Reduced range. I want to do a Sniper build, but rifles have fairly high minimum requirements for silencers, with level 13 for Pipes, and 25 for Hunting Rifles. The pipe rifle is a very flexible weapon, despite its crude appearance. Improved rate of fire. Inferior range and sighted accuracy. Exceptional recoil control. Poor hip-fire accuracy. Superior range and sighted accuracy. Improved magnification. Uh... you sure about that? Better aim with scopes. Superior sighted accuracy. Superior range and sighted accuracy. Diamond city merchants are also selling pipe … Not on combat rifle, pipe guns, assault rifle, or even 10mm handgun. Improved bash. Improved recoil control. Parentheses () denote unique weapon variants. Pistol Night vision. Suppresses sound from firing. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. If you are searching for read reviews Rifle Fallout 4 Kneecapper Pipe Rifle price. The standard magazine holds 12 rounds, the large magazine doubles that, and the drum doubles it again to 48. Improved magnification. Superior sighted accuracy. Pipe guns are also highly modifiable, capable of turning a standard pipe pistol into a pipe .45 caliber sniper rifle. Increases the reload speed of the pipe bolt action receiver by 65% 3. Improved focus and better sighted accuracy. Night vision. Poor hip-fire accuracy. Exceptional sighted accuracy. 2 Better recoil. Two centuries later, it is a staple of wasteland combat, being favored by settlers, raiders and super mutants all over the Commonwealth, filling the shortages of "real" weaponry. modifiers Related perks I found one Pipe Bolt action Sniper rifle in one of the houses in the city you meet Garvey(or w.e. Makes the ammo capacity of pipe bolt action receiver 1 rather than 6 2. This page was last edited on 17 February 2019, at 07:48. Upgrading pipe bolt-action guns with a .50 receiver allows them to retain their usefulness into the early mid-game stages. Superior sighted accuracy. Pipe bolt-action rifle is a weapon in Fallout 4.