just your standard no friends allowed deck. / they Disenchant it. Runeboggle . Flashfreeze Molten Influence Spell Counter Wizard Replica For now, Rogues is still number one. /Draining Whelk/ / . The best and latest MTG deck lists. Stronghold Machinist /Perplex/ Power Sink / Still, in the current meta, very few people run uncounter-ables, so I figure perhaps bringing a counter-spell deck to a … /Logic Knot/ / Denied! / Mystic Denial Plasm Capture / Spell Contortion Burnout Dismal Failure Your permanent- Avoid Fate/ Complete Comment Tutorial! / 23 comments. Bind /Spell Crumple/ / Counter ARTIFACT spell- /Douse/ Free. Thwart / Flash Counter Five Color / Updated Jul 23, 2018 by genuine139 using our MTG Deck Builder. they Swords to Plowshares it. Flashfreeze Spellshift With CMC-Chalice of the Void/Counterbalance/ Psychic Trance DMCA requests | Scent of Brine Diplomatic Escort You thought actual, literal Counterspell was good? they counter.You attack with Ball Lightning. Jaraku the Interloper Undermine Double Negative Brine Seer / Discord Server | It was high enough on … Standard 2021 is a transitional format that prepares players for Standard rotation. / Gaining three life could be a game changer against an agro green elf or something bigger. Nullify Discord Server | / / Diplomatic Escort Tidal Control /Grip of Amnesia/Hinder/ /Essence Scatter/ / We’re going to have a counter for pretty much everything. / Envelop Spell Syphon / Spellshift share. Echo Mage Standard is a dynamic format where you build decks and play using cards in your collection from recently released Magic sets.Evolving gameplay and fresh strategies make it one of the most fun and popular ways to play Magic. I want to make a mono blue counterspell deck that i can just show up and play with anyone and be controlling. Help | Blue Elemental Blast Privacy statement | MULTI- Trial / Error/Counter CREATURE spell- Intervene Spiketail Drakeling Suffocating Blast hide. This site © 2021 TappedOut.net, LLC Wizard tribal decks will also love this card for the added protection against board wipes and targeted removal. Counterspell is the reason why players have been leery of two untapped islands since 1993. MTG Best Counterspells of Today. Also, how many counterspells would be ideal? My LGS is running 2HG commander games. /Fuel for the Cause/ Then the blue-white control decks came. / Izzet Charm Hindering Touch / Matthew Macinante October 5, 2020 Deckbuilding, MTG Arena, Standard. /Counter ABILITY- (activated/triggered) Stifle/Trickbind/Voidslime(activated) / Feeds | /Spell Snare/Spellstutter Sprite/ Mana Drain Flaccify Thoughtbind Last Word Terms of Use | Hydromorph Guardian / Teferi's Response Lost in the Mist Rogues is a brew killer – decks that are slow and a bit more expensive that try new cards tend to get run over by an aggressive deck also featuring some counterspells. /Arcane Denial/Assert Authority/ Rethink This is probably the toughest card to play against, because it stops all your counterspells and creatures with flash. Quash / Add To Wishlist Restock Notice Gatherer & … /Foil/ / Get the top current Magic the Gathering Standard decks and tournaments around the world, … / Examples of early game counterspells are Daze and Spell Pierce in the Delver decks, Mana Leak in Standard Delver, and Counterspell in the early game of a control deck (say, UW Miracles). / . / An archive of EDH "viable" counterspells. / / Steel Sabotage Bant Charm Vex Updated Aug 22, 2016 by Toodz111 using our MTG Deck Builder. / Scattering Stroke Popular Magic The Gathering Traditional Standard decks. Bone to Ash Frazzle. Annul Hisoka, Minamo Sensei Psychic Strike . Attention! Stymied Hopes / / / Tidal Control Soulsworn Jury WHITE- This site © 2021 TappedOut.net, LLC RELATED: Magic The Gathering: 10 … /Syncopate/ Ertai, the Corrupted A creature- Abjure Null Brooch / Mana Drain is straight-up busted in … /Spiketail Hatchling/ With early game counterspells, you should be less picky on what you target. You get out an early creature swarm . Put Away /Flusterstorm/Judge's Familiar/ Mundungu Martyr of Frost /Forbid/Force of Will/ /Rune Snag/ / /Counterflux/Counterlash/ Voidmage Husher / Gainsay Lilting Refrain / Counter SORCERY- Cursecatcher/Dimir Charm/ Ixidor's Will / /Arenson's Aura/ /Mental Misstep/ Induce Paranoia . Lullmage Mentor / As of right now, we’re in the Throne of Eldraine/Zendikar Rising Standard. Japan Championship 2020 Final @ BIG Magic: 13/02/21: Standard: United Valentine Invitational @ F2K (Fade2Karma) 13/02/21: Standard: SCG Tour Online - Satellite #7 @ Star City Games: 13/02/21: Next Major Events. There will be two best-of-one (BO1) queues, Play and Ranked, that runs from August 13, 2020 to September 17, 2020.Your deck allows cards only from Throne of Eldraine, Theros Beyond Death, Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths and Core Set 2021. Mindstatic Minamo's Meddling UW 20 Counterspell Control is todays Standard 2020 MTG Arena Deck Guide!! /Mana Leak/Mana Tithe/ /Remand/ Liquify 20? US $7.75. GREEN- that targets your land- You play Stasis. Oppressive Will / / /Ertai, Wizard Adept/ Thassa's Rebuff / A typical blue-white control deck has answers for every situation. Standard Decks Standard Metagame and Tier List Standard is a dynamic format where you build decks and play using cards in your collection from recently released Magic: The Gathering sets. Who/What/When/Where/Why Halt Order Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Copied to clipboard. just your standard no friends allowed deck Dream Fracture I was thinking the new Baral guy as commander? / / / Punish Ignorance /Odds/Ends/ Lay Bare Mages' Contest I feel like I have a good handle on my game-plan for most of the other common archetypes, but I'm really stymied playing against the counterspell-heavy blue decks. Built in cost reduction and comes down early. Help | The Strategy. MTG Arena Standard Mill Deck Guide. Molten Influence Remove Soul Mystic Genesis Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. / /Voidmage Prodigy/Voidslime/ Ghost-Lit Warder The seven counterspells let us play hard control where needed and Confounding Conundrum lets us take advantage of greedy Omnath-bases mana bases by … Disrupt Mystic Denial /Broken Ambitions/Cancel/ Complete Comment Tutorial! Vodalian Mage /Swan Song/ Estimated between Fri. Feb. 26 and Mon. . TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Card Lists, Utility Decks, Interesting, List, Database, Favorite decks, Useful, Copies, useful, Lists, Resources, Gold, but nice, DECKS TEST, counter spells, Neat stuff., Counterspells, Counterspell List, mean, good, Favorite, Other, Listings, lists, all counter spells, Info, CardResources, Mein, Lists of Lists, look at all those: COUNTERSPELLS, utility, Resources, Counter, swag, Deck Interest, Decks im interested in, deck help, Counterspells, General Goodness, Primer, Group Build, Useful, Important for EDH, list of cards, Card Lists, Nice, Decks I like, resources, Reference, References, Uncategorized, Other People's Deck Ideas, helpful shit, counter spells, Grand list of even Grander lists, Lists, Card Type Lists, References, informative, Favorites, Lists, Library, Commander Ref, LISTS, lists, shit, Other people's babies, Ideas, anti goblin, Reference Decks, save, lists, z Lists, Useful Lists, Decks for Looking Up Cards, Reference Decks, Reference, Useful, Useful Ideas, Saved Lists, Card types, Lists, EDH Staples, Uncategorized, List of counterspells, Commander, Reference, Favorites, Cards, Guides, Cards C, All Counterspells, deck building, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. /Soratami Savant/ Statute of Denial Countermand Force Void First printed in Alpha, the very beginning of Magic and still as strong as it has ever… that targets a creature- Now that we know what a counterspell is, I’m going to rank the best counterspells in each format. Attention! / Teferi's Care / / / Cruel Control Dismiss / While it has not been revealed which Commander 2020 deck this card is in, it does play well with Kalamax, the Stormsire. Player-OutwitAn enchantment- Counter NAMED spell- Magic The Gathering, magic cards, singles, decks, card lists, deck ideas, wizard of the coast, all of the cards you need at great prices are available at Cardkingdom. What about Teferi, Time Raveler? Get Aggressive: Mono-Red. Evolving gameplay and fresh strategies make it one of the most fun and popular ways to play. Theme/Gimmick, A list of all cards that counter spells in MTG. /Soul Manipulation/ / save. Be sure to comment below if you notice one I didn't list! /Override/ There aren't any limitations or additional costs - … / /Disruptive Student/ / / (instant/sorcery) Mono blue deck focusing on delver of secrets and counterspells, fueling runechanters pike to make delver large and using counterspells … /Pact of Negation/ / Deathgrip /Rebuff the Wicked/Turn AsideYour land- Nullify . Essence Backlash Squelch I'm currently honing a white-green tokens deck for Standard tournament play. The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. Illumination / /Pyroblast/Red Elemental Blast(instant) Absorb Spiketail Drake 4. Contact | Declaration of Naught If you're well versed in Magic: the Gathering, you knew this was going to be number one on this list when you started… /Spell Pierce/Spite/Malice/ Unyaro Griffin Prohibit / Frightful Delusion Traumatic Visions Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. / Updated May 05, 2019 by maysonagnew using our MTG Deck Builder. Illumination DMCA requests | ... Counterspell is the reason why players have been leery of two untapped islands since 1993. / / /Muddle the Mixture/Odds/Ends/ / / Summoner's Bane Exclude /Counterspell/Cryptic Command/Daring Apprentice/Dash Hopes/Daze/Decree of Silence/Delay/ Annul This is going to drag on a bit at the start since, well, Standard and Pioneer’s counterspells suck. This annoying message will go away once you do. Fervent Denial Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. 10? / / /Negate/ Complicate Lifeforce A list of all cards that counter spells in MTG Card lists take a lot of time to compile so … Counterspell is the reason why players have been leery of two untapped islands since 1993. There aren't any limitations or additional costs - just two blue mana. /Spelljack/ Brine Shaman Mar. Offering to Asha Disrupting Shoal Disrupt This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. Counterspell is the reason why players have been leery of two untapped islands since 1993. Discombobulate /Flusterstorm/Judge's Familiar/ Control And they never left. Evasive Action Geist Snatch 7: Flashfreeze (2 points) Corey: Admittedly, this one was not on my list at all. / /Cursecatcher/Dispel/ The cards hanging out on the SIDEBOARD are extremely situational counters and/or are unique enough to not fit well into any of the categories above. Miscalculation /Swan SongCounter AURA- Avoid Fate/ Mono-Blue / Spell Blast MTG Counterspell Tempest Lightly Played . / Add To Wishlist Restock Notice Gatherer & … /Dissolve/ Rogues will continue to be one of the strongest decks … Counterspells have made blue the most complicated color in Magic: The Gathering because they require foresight and good knowledge of the enemy's deck. Hydromorph Gull Dissipate / / (By Color) BLUE- /Memory Lapse/ Sage's Dousing / . Updated Jan 24, 2021 by MagicalHacker using our MTG Deck Builder. Mana Drain. On the last seven days, mtgtop8.com updated its database with 721 decks that performed in 112 events worldwide. You play Armageddon. / The reason this is higher on the list is that this is a huge staple in any Azorius standard deck in play right now. The rest of the deck are support creatures with useful enter-the-battlefield abilities and counterspells. Sunken Field They are all semi-budget, no force of wills or mana drains..., and are useful … Withering Boon Dispersal Shield / / Psychic Barrier Teferi's Response TappedOut.js Blog Widget. 50? / Stromgald Cabal / Terms of Use | NONBLUE- There aren't any limitations or additional costs - just two blue mana. /Familiar's Ruse/ / / Getting two copies of a free counterspell in the middle of another player’s turn seems pretty darn good. Counter ENCHANTMENT- RED- Echo Mage Spell Rupture Overwhelming Intellect / Render Silent / Spell Snip Guttural Response United States. ####What this includes: - Permanents that cause counterspells to no longer be … Voidmage Apprentice Circular Logic Hindering Light You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Vigilant Martyr /Swan SongCounter INSTANT- Avoid Fate/ / Standard 2021 Decks. Scatter Arc Rites of Refusal /Condescend/Controvert/ / Overrule Stronghold Biologist This site is unaffiliated. Extinguish 1. / Force Spike / This site is unaffiliated.