Pillars that reach 0% health will fall and deal heavy damage to any player standing next to them, stunning them temporarily. It is recommended to switch to bandos once you can get through all the rooms and Verzik Phase 2 without draining yourself of brews. Your whip/scythe will do litle damage in comparison to the Dawnbringer. Join us for game discussions, weekly events, and skilling competitions! One player should equip a bgs and attempt to hit 50 damage to get the boss to 0 defense. When it changes attack styles, the players are stopped from attacking automatically. Magers can do the same switch into melee if there are no. Every 8 ticks he will change the direction he is facing. Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program by Syllabic on Wed Dec 09, 2020 12:26 pm @Joe 7 wrote: I saw one of the requirements was 50+ Olm KC. At wave 23 (the double nylos after the 3 waves of all big ones), the nylocas can change colors as they come down the lane, canceling players’ attacks. Some early paint-overs of the Theatre of Blood, Placeholder graphics while testing the generation of Theatre of Blood dungeons, Placeholder graphics while testing the entering of Theatre of Blood dungeons, A screenshot of the Ver Sinhaza bank, shown during a livestream on 22/02/2018, A screenshot of the Theatre of Blood recruiting board, shown during a livestream on 22/02/2018, A screenshot of the Theatre of Blood entrance, shown during a livestream on 22/02/2018, A screenshot of a room within the Theatre of Blood, shown during a livestream on 22/02/2018, A screenshot of the nylocas, shown during a Q&A stream on 12/04/2018, A teaser showing the entrance to the arena of, A teaser showing a room within the Theatre of Blood, A screenshot of a glitched Sotetseg model, with a work-in-progress environment as a background, A completed set of animations for The Maiden of Sugadinti, A teaser showing the idle, attacking and death animation of a, A preview of Sotetseg's walking animation, shown during a design stream on 26/04/2018, A preview of Verzik Vitur's vampyre form's idle animation. Blue Tiles : 5 man (the fifth blue tile would be the NW orange one, to form a pentagon), Death dot (gathering spot) : Front blue tile. The chance of a unique being received is 10.99% for a deathless raid regardless of group size, and is decreased for every death and per skipped room (which is 0 for nearly all raids). Save your claws and second chally spec for the second down. The most important thing to remember is, Running diagonally during purples gives you a tile advantage. Xarpus will SCREEEEEECCHH!! These are the hard ones to see. Before the coming of Theatre of Blood OSRS, the accompanying quest “A Taste of Hope” will release in game on the 24th of May as an instalment in the Myreque quest series. Run around the corner and dodge his stomp, then dodge the shadows. Verzik has an attack cycle: [4 auto attacks, 1 special attack]. Xarpus will face a quadrant (1/4) of the room and stare at that side. The Theatre of Blood, along with the Chambers of Xeric is considered by many to be one of the best pieces of content in the game to be undertaken by a group of players, like a clan or a group of friends. If not, the common reward table is rolled three times, possibly granting the same reward multiple times. … Become a partner and feature your content here. Players can spectate other teams in the Theatre of Blood by attempting to enter the theatre, or by speaking to Abigaila, a Morytanian refugee who can be found upstairs in the Lumbridge General Store or near the spirit tree north-east of the Grand Exchange. I spent a lot of time in Old School Runescape in attempt to prepare my account for the Theatre of Blood (The second raids in OSRS). Verzik will continue to do her [4 auto attacks, 1 special attack] cycle during tornadoes, but will now attack every 5 ticks, causing the cycle to go faster. If you hit a warhammer spec, call it to your teammates. Some will go to the pillars and some will attack players (aggros). These will be the same big crabs from the Nylocas room (, When Verzik reaches 35% health or below she will stop attacking players and instead spawn two, After 35%, Verzik will no longer spawn explode, Players should be high health at the start of Phase 2. If you need to grab potions, try and wait until after an electric attack. Marking the corner tiles may be helpful to see where the corner is and how many tiles around. Cheap Rs 2007 gold for sale on RSorder If they ask for a blood tithe, do not give it to them if you don't want to lose 6 of your hitpoints and try to distract them instead based on Thieving leve… Skilled tobbers make 9-11M/hr at the time of this thread being written. Step 1 tile back before crystal halberd speccing to give yourself a 1 tile advantage to turn the corner. In the Theatre of Blood, there is an invisible points’ system keeping track of performance behind the scenes. The maze will AoE damage players who step onto that tile that is not red in the shadow realm. For the boss, pre-switch your gear to your next-best-dps style (scythe > tbow/bp > trident). Drop rate is dependent on the player's performance during the raid, with a drop rate of 1/650 if the player has performed optimally in the Theatre. The fastest way to get to the Theatre of Blood is to use the Drakans Medallion, un untradeable talisman obtained upon completion of the A Taste of Hope quest. You should aim for this gear setup as a bare minimum if you have scythe. Meleers can do a 1-way switch into a staff and mage a crab if there are no melee nylos in the room. The Maiden of Sugadinti (level-940) 2. Report this, Apply to someone’s party by clicking their name first, and then clicking “apply.”, Solo = 1.20 (this does not account for costs). When dodging the stomp, you must only go around 1 corner and then be at least 5 tiles away. Requirements - Priest in Peril Quest (For access to Morytania), Possible reasons for this: our item ID is wrong, osrsbox is down or GE Tracker is down. at 20-28% health. Below we will list the main data you may care. Theatre of Blood AKA - Raids 2 Requirements - Priest in Peril Quest (For access to Morytania) The Theatre of Blood, also known as Raids 2, is a linear instanced challenge found in Meiyerditch which contains six unique boss fights, leading up to the final boss - Verzik Vitur. Remember that the special attacks are what kills her, and your objective is simply to kill her with. To flinch Sotetseg, stand 1 tile away from him and wait for him to attack. Due to this, some of the items below may appear missing, we’re working on fixing this as soon as possible. Thanks received 147. *Note: If you are late, do 1 total hit less. Range darts are acceptable. Here is a Black Knights Fortress OSRS quick guide with detailed walkthrough. Whether you’re a Pker or PvMer, you’ll discover new ways to gain an edge over your enemies. Theatre of Blood OSRS Guide Summary and tips. The Maiden of Sugadinti(level-940) 2. TOB requires a lot of strategy, having a voice chat with your group will help you out a lot. However, it takes less gear than CoX (raids 1), requires no skilling, is faster to run, and more profitable. An example health is given as a reference. These bombs deal range damage (up to 50) which can be reduced by 1/2 with, If players are too far from Verzik she can launch her bombs, Every 5 auto attacks (bounces do not count), Verzik launches a lightning attack at players. Maiden will aggro whoever is closest to her and attack them with magic, prioritizing the east side (then south, north, and west). The release of OSRS theatre of blood rewards delivers a fresh meta. Avoid stepping under Xarpus, as he does trample damage (8 max hit per tick). Players should avoid acided tiles as they still cause damage. An arrow will point to which chest is for that player to search. A new wind of change. Then when you complete the experienced difficulty quest, there will be a new weapon for killing vampires along with other rewards waiting for you. This is when you attack him and then move away before his next attack is ready. If an aggressive nylocas appears, it must be killed immediately as it will damage players from the center of the room. A total of 2 warhammers reduces Sotetseg’s defense to 100, his minimum defense. When the maze is finished, Sotetseg regains defense and the fight repeats until the next maze, or until he is dead (this is why we only defense-reduce spec one time per phase! A great resource for players looking to learn to raid as part of a group is the Nexus discord, where there are regular Raids 2 runs for players of all levels – including absolute beginners with no experience! Points system in OSRS Theatre of Blood. Long-awaited OSRS Theatre of Blood Drop Rates Announced Time: 07/01/19 Many players have been begging the Old School team to reveal the drop rates of OSRS Theatre of Blood. The vampyres are more entertained by outsiders than the citizens themselves, seeing as these are better prepared compared to the civilians who are inexperienced and poorly equipped. Join us for game discussions, weekly events and skilling competitions! According to Garth, the castle was once home to the Saradominist queen, Queen Efaritay. Redemption is a useful prayer in the event that someone stands on the wrong tile. Upon defeating Verzik Vitur, a trapdoor will open under her throne, leading to her treasure vault. Acid that Xarpus spits will bounce to two other players and then stop bouncing (just like the orbs at Sotetseg). To tick eat the death ball, click your brew just as the ball touches your body. Old School RuneScape Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. At 70% 50% and 30% Maiden will spawn red Nylocas (two per living player) which should be frozen on their respective tiles (see video below). The team must also monitor the health of the pillars. When his yellow crystal timer expires he will collapse for a period of time. If the order is confused, players should communicate if they have special attack (35% required). There are five large chests, with each player being able to loot one chest. Make sure he is not facing you before attacking again. If the entire team is killed, players will lose all unprotected items; these can later be reclaimed from a storage chest (similar to Torfinn's item storage) for a cost of 100,000 coins. We have swapped out our database of items for the new, open-source osrsbox database. As a tank, you can do 1 extra hit after Verzik’s fourth auto attack, before webs, yellows, and the green ball. Hopefully, this Theatre of Blood OSRS Guide is helpful in your first attempts at raids 2. First prepot a sip of bastion/range potion or a supercombat if you are meleeing. After the waves are finished and all nylocas are dead, the boss will spawn after  a brief period. The Lead Content Developer of Old School RS Mod Kieren has revealed OSRS Theatre of Blood Drop Rates and system explanation on Twitter. Verzik will occupy a 5×5 area in the middle of the room (inside the green tiles). If you are uncomfortable attacking during purples, run around the room until your more confident teammates kill her. ), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioG9uyN_Jew, (First time? Each player earns points individually for various activities. This helps the team to focus it to prevent it from falling. Verzik can still use her range attacks sometimes in place of her magic attack. They can also explode if they have been in the room for too long. The white tiles in the room represent spots that are safe from Verzik’s attack. These bloods splats can become Blood Spawns (120hp) which leave trails of blood behind them. If the meat hits the player they will be damaged heavily and stunned in place for a few ticks. Only obtained if players have died in every challenge within the theatre. Here are some useful examples: “There’s a melee crab under Verzik and it’s aggro’d on you!”, “Webs are starting soon, get to the outside of the room!”, “I’m going for the northeast yellow, you take the one to the south!”, “The green ball is on me! Players can npc-tag bloat on Runelite (npc-indicators) to follow his movements easier. Claw the boss once, then crystal halberd spec (claw 2x if no chally). Remember: The boss does two auto attacks and then switches its attack style, so after its second auto attack you have to change your prayers immediately. Large crabs will split into two when they are killed. The following chart shows each player’s number of attacks when the fight begins, up until the team runs to the pillar (represented by the dark grey squares). He can change directions as he moves. This attack deals. Lady Verzik cordially invites you to the Theatre of Blood! The number of hitsplats the team deals to bloat can affect whether he will walk or run/jog. It is the 2nd most challenging PVM content in the game behind the Inferno. These will reduce the amount of inventory space you have for other potions though, so know your limits! No-heart full divine pre-pot: Click below for full detail ToB Boss Guides. The boss can hit through mage and range prayer, but not melee. Some of the bosses are extremely challenging and the potential for massive rewards upon completion of the raid like the legendary Scythe of Vitur can make it very exciting. Change your prayers first before attempting to damage the boss. Run past the barrier and towards Sotetseg with. The jingle that plays once a boss has been defeated. The Theatre of Blood is a linear progression raid challenge located in the Sanguinesti region, East of Meiyerditch, that emphasises the need for teamwork. Pestilent Bloat (level-870) 3. Your purple will stay behind you, but. Nylocas Vasilias (level-800) 4. This Bandos Learner setup contains all items you’ll need to comfortably try and learn every boss within the Theatre of Blood. If a magic and range orb are both targeting you are the same time: First, If you are in danger of dying, simply take 1 step away from Sotetseg, protect against your orbs, heal up, and then safely step back next to Sotetseg with. Thus, there is no randomization involved, and the bosses will always be encountered in this order. Thus, there is no randomization involved, and the bosses will always be encountered in this order. If attacked with the wrong attack style, players will be unable to damage the nylocas. Spectators must also be on the Friends List of the party member or spectator, should the party member or spectator have Private Chat set to "Friends Only.". https://oldschoolrunescape.fandom.com/wiki/Theatre_of_Blood?oldid=8693121. This player is the tank, If the tank is next to Verzik on her dangerous tick (when she decides her attack), she can. Continue to manage Verzik’s regular auto attacks, special attacks, and avoiding getting caught by your purple AT ALL COSTS as you damage Verzik. Shadows appear on the ground to indicate the tiles where they will fall. Meleers should flinch their melee nylos in the later waves to avoid the AoE explosion damage in case the room is capped. Move a few tiles to avoid this. The Most Valuable Player (MVP) is listed on the top of the interface, and is determined based on the performance of the individual player, such as damage dealt and the number of deaths. If players die a second time without reclaiming the items in the chest, they will be permanently lost, unless the death occurs within a minigame deemed safe, such as Pest Control. When phase 2 starts, her hitbox will change, this is when you should click her to start p2. Acid on the floor deals damage to players who cross over it. Always be on the opposite side of bloat (and next to the pillar) when he is moving. Upon logging back in to an unsafe death, the game will attempt to reunite the player with their party and, if successful, will place the player in purgatory. If Sotetseg launches a magic orb, this orb will split into another red orb (mage) and a black orb (range) once it hits the first player. When bloat goes down, attack him with your main-handed weapon and leave with a crystal halberd spec (see Hit Chart below). The key to your success is your commitment to it. At 5-8% the team should crystal halberd spec. First prepot a sip of bastion/range potion and supercombat, equip your melee gear and pray melee. 1. Thanks given 54. When Xarpus screeches, STOP attacking. What is the Theatre of Blood (ToB)? If a player plans to come to this city, the player must begin the Darkness of Hallowvale quest. Here, players may view the death counts of each team member, the total deaths in the performance, as well as the time spent in each wave. When a player who is not in the shadow realm steps onto the FOURTH row, a tornado of death will spawn behind their team at the start of the maze. On the surface world, players should follow the red tiles as they appear. Quavo. Players can avoid becoming poisoned by wearing a serpentine helmet. Maybe if you realized that its not updated with the theatre of blood maps, you would stop commenting. All information on mechanics and strategy will be on this page. When Xarpus changes directions, or just before, stop attacking. Verzik Vitur (level-1040, final boss)Despite some of the bosses being spiders, vampyres and dark beasts, they will not count towards a Slayer assignment when killed inside the Theatre; thus, the slayer h… Players can also search the Grand bookshelves in the treasure vault to find six books: All non-stackable items obtained are in the form of bank notes, unless it is a unique reward. 02/16/21 - Guide for Black Knights Fortress OSRS Quest Walkthrough Black Knights' Fortress is a Novice quest with no skill level requirements. An official records page exists, which shows all-time global records, such as most completions by an individual and total Hardcore Ironman deaths within the theatre, as well as fastest completion times for each boss and the raid as a whole. If the pillar is very low health and you think it may go down, stay safe behind it until Verzik claps and then run to the next pillar in this order: When Verzik reaches 0% health, spam-click off of the pillars to avoid their falling damage. Players should stand at the third row until the team is ready to proceed, as the fourth row starts the tornado. She will attack every 7 ticks with magic (blue body) and range (green body) attacks. Players may choose to “(lazy) flick piety” for added damage, whilst still saving the majority of prayer. Maiden Magic Accuracy 100% Freeze Thresholds : Maiden DPS calcs (highest dps is the bottom chart) : *Note: The number of DWH specs landed increases as you move to the right. Large nylocas split into two when they are killed, so they should always be focused last. Once he does, he cannot attack for another 5 ticks. Verzik will launch a magic attack at players. As of an update on 21 June 2018, players can right-click the ledges to view the fight in a better perspective. OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. Another method is to click your brew the second time his head bobs. Players have enough time for 3-4 blowpipe hits, 2 whip/scythe, or 2 trident. If unsuccessful, the player will be treated with a full death and will have to pay the item reclamation fee to retrieve any items lost. Abigaila • Harpert • Garth • Mercenary • Meiyerditch citizen • Mysterious Stranger • Vyrelady • Vyrelord • Vyre Orator, Athanatos • Hagios • Ischyros • Matomenos • Toxobolos, The Maiden of Sugadinti (Blood spawn) • Pestilent Bloat • Nylocas Vasilias • Sotetseg • Xarpus • Verzik Vitur, Message •  Dawnbringer •  Verzik's crystal shard, Arachnids of vampyrium •  The butcher •  Serafina's diary •  The shadow realm •  The wild hunt •  Verzik vitur - patient record, Vial of blood •  Bastion potion •  Battlemage potion, Avernic defender (hilt) •  Ghrazi rapier •  Sanguinesti staff •  Scythe of vitur, Tier 1 •  Tier 2 •  Tier 3 •  Tier 4 •  Tier 5, The Maiden's Sorrow • The Maiden's Anger • Welcome to my Nightmare • The Nightmare Continues • Dance of the Nylocas • Arachnids of Vampyrium • The Dark Beast Sotetseg • Power of the Shadow Realm • Predator Xarpus • Last King of the Yarasa • It's not over 'til... • The Fat Lady Sings • The Curtain Closes. I’d advise you to get a discord chat with your TOB-group going. OSRS is the official legacy version of RS, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. See video below for a guide on how to “run webs” (use the orange tiles and run clockwise. When the death ball spawns, death dot in front of Sotetseg as a group. Points system in OSRS Theatre of Blood. Crabs that are walking around the room and neither attacking players nor pillars should be ignored until they attack something. Sotetseg(level-995) 5. Many of them can be encountered in the Theatre of Blood. Next to the entrance to the Theatre of Blood is a scoreboard, which displays personal and global statistics for the Theatre of Blood, such as number of attempts, number of completions, number of deaths, and completion times. Turn on. From this point on, players should only drop the Dawnbringer. The raid is linear, meaning the same bosses are always fought in the same order. The Ghrazi rapier is one of the unique drops from OSRS Theatre of Blood, the large arena beneath the castle of Ver Sinhaza. Check out the quick video guide below! Brings vengeance in their rune pouch. Blood Nylocas that get through will increase the damage blood splats deal per tick. A stunned player is likely to “catch flies.”. Occasionally, Verzik will spawn a number of “crabs” (nylocas) in the room. The player teleported to the shadow realm should stand on the 1st red tile of the maze. Walk when possible and watch for when he turns. The first thing any adventurer will notice is that Meiyerditch is patrolled by the invincible Vyrewatch. The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on reddit. The reward is revealed to be a ruse as the vampyres are unwilling to let go of their primary food source. Upon entering the treasure vault, players may read the strategy table by the grand bookshelves to view the overall performance of the team, while spectators can read the war table to view it. check out the quick video guide below! Freeze blood cells around the room (no gear switch required) and blowpipe them to avoid excess blood in the room. When Xarpus changes direction in Phase 3, attack him if it’s safe and begin to move towards the quadrant he is facing. The orbs cause significant damage and disable your prayers temporarily if they are not protected against. Verzik Vitur(level-1040, final boss) Despite some of the bosses being spiders, vampyres and dark beasts, they will not count towards a Slayer task when killed inside the Theatre; thus, the slayer helmet a… [Mage -> Mage + Range], Sotetseg can melee a player who is within, Sotetseg launches a death ball at players, Sotetseg transports players to the other side of the maze when he is at 66.6% and 33.3% health, with one player moving to the Shadow Realm, unable to see the rest of their team. Deaths and wipes are a part of Runescape. If she does a blood attack, her NEXT TWO AUTOS will NOT be blood. At the end of the maze, the player is given a portal back to the real world. Pestilent Bloat(level-870) 3. Thus, there is no randomization involved, and the bosses will always be encountered in this order. When the team enters the final room, they should drop restores and saradomin brews on the ground until they are left with 2. Maiden will throw bloods splats occasionally instead of her magic attack. If hitting with the incorrect attack style, the player will take that damage and heal the boss. The Nylocas King will attack first with melee, then change to either mage or range. Registered Member Join Date Mar 2018 Posts 259. I recommend marking the 3 tiles that make up the corner. Brings freezes or  vengeance in their rune pouch (5man is veng only). Because he will not look in the same direction twice, this will help reduce tick loss and increase damage, if timed correctly. Go!”. Xarpus will attack any player in the quadrant of the room he is looking at if they attack him, dealing 50 damage + 1/2 the damage they dealt. Sotetseg can either melee a player or launch a red (mage) orb at a random player. Xarpus(level-960) 6. The Lead Content Developer of Old School RS Mod Kieren has revealed OSRS Theatre of Blood Drop Rates and system explanation on Twitter. The Theatre of Blood scoreboard found next to the entrance of the theatre. The Theatre of Blood is a raid located in Ver Sinhaza.It is the second raid released to date. Drop two potions at the start of the phase. Just remember to boost your . If brewing, always move first and then brew, to avoid any ranged attacks. The challenge time (the time spent fighting the bosses) and the overall time, which includes the time spent between waves, can be seen on the bottom of the interface. The tick you are away from her is her dangerous tick. Once your team is ready, and just before going in, remember to “pre-pot.” Here are two combinations, but there are many. Then the process repeats as he begins to move. This will cause flies for you and your team, but if the team is careful, this can be helpful to dps. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Xarpus will summon green corpses from the ground which heal him for 6hp per tick. Players can rotate the camera clock-wise or anti-clockwise via the chatbox. Move to the red tiles and begin to blowpipe or scythe Xarpus when he is not looking at you. theatre of blood requirements? Swing out diagonally from Verzik and then click her. You can also get there via Andras, north of the Ectofungus who will take you to Slepe for a cost of 10,000gp. Sotetseg does not attack at this time. (3man) : 2 west, 1 east … or … 1 west, 2 east. Melee boots should be taken off during the waves if your role is to mage or range. If the player obtains a unique reward, it will replace all common rewards. Bloat walks around the room and starts a timer when a player enters. Drop 1 super combat (After sipping it) on the opposite side of the pillar. Suggested Quests2:34 - 2. Enter the room when bloat is on the opposite side, praying range at all times. Just before he changed directions, move to the quadrant he is facing and begin to attack. The leaflet found north of the Ectofuntus. Any disconnection or logout during a fight is treated as a death, and will likewise result in loss of Hardcore status. Rep Power ... #171.2 OSRS Cache (317 format) - Theatre of Blood. More advanced players or players with a lot of GP may want to bring high-level gear like Bandos for Melee or Ancestral for Magic. This can wipe the team in seconds. Guides written by Kittyyyy, owner of Nexus. This can make clicking nylocas easier. The team should position themselves so Verzik’s lightning attack will pass through her. If you are using Runelite, tag Verzik using NPC Indicators (in settings). Players should monitor the health of the pillars and call out the lowest pillar’s direction. According to Arachnids of vampyrium, the nylocas do not typically grow any larger than an adult human, and often group together in small colonies. Don’t touch me! The total number of crabs allowed in the room is 12 until wave 20. In other words, if he is 4 tiles or more from the nearest corner, you only need to go around it and stand there to avoid his stomp. There are different tactics players can use to gear up for Raids 2, one of the most common and easiest ways to efficiently gear is to use Void or Elite Void armour. If no unique reward is found, players obtain up to three different common rewards instead depending on their performance. I have enough hp, i’m okay.”, “Purples are starting soon, is everybody ready? This is THE guide to watch for this room to learn your roles : Xarpus DPS Chart (highest dps is the bottom chart) : (first time? This tornado will follow the red path that is laid out in the shadow realm, rapidly and heavily damaging any players it catches up to. In order to spectate, players cannot bring any items with them, excluding the oculus orb, and they must not be poisoned or diseased. When Verzik reaches 35%, or just before, tell your team so they are prepared to get off her. It is helpful to watch the player diagonal from you, as any orbs that bounce off them have a chance to go under Sotetseg towards you. Standing on these blood pools heals maiden and damages the player’s health and prayer every tick. The nylocas will spawn in predetermined waves. Spread out in an equally-spaced manner to allow for prayer flicking. The maximum group size allowed to enter the Theatre is 5, and it is balanced for group sizes of 3-5 players. Moving more than this will cause extra tiles to be “griefed” with poison. While the theatre is only open to citizens of Meiyerditch, this rule is rarely enforced. The Theatre of Blood is a raid located in Ver Sinhaza.It is the second raid released to date. It contains all items you’ll need to comfortably kill every boss within the Theatre of Blood. The Theatre of Blood – also known as Raids 2 – is Old School Runescape’s second raid which can be found within the castle of Ver Sinhaza, to the east of Meiyerditch. For anyone looking to learn the Theatre of Blood as part of a group, the Nexus discord is a fantastic place to start. Players may wear any gear they wish whilst speccing. While weak individually, they could overwhelm an opponent with numbers. To increase the chance of living throughout Phase 1, default to standing behind the pillar. And once you try these items, you’ll realize certain bosses and monsters are slightly easier than before.