These cute questions to ask your boyfriend will shed some light on his childhood adventures, favorite memories, and personal preferences. Now, lobster is a treat and costs a fortune. When we're not together, do we communicate enough? Do you like to be waited on hand and foot or left alone? These interesting questions to ask your boyfriend are a great way to ensure that there's never a dull moment between the two of you. What was the most memorable dare that you accepted? Have you ever gotten anyone pregnant? What is the sexiest thing a partner can wear? When you've been in a relationship for a while, it can be hard to come up with new things to talk about. What is something you've always wanted to try in bed? What is your favorite thing about our relationship? What did you and your friends do for fun in middle school? Intimacy is one of the most important parts of a relationship, but sometimes we feel distant from our partners. Out of your friends and family, whose relationship do you admire the most? What is the best advice anyone ever gave you? If you could bring one person back to the dead for a day, who would it be and what would you do? Do you ever want to get married? What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself? Whole wheat pasta and reduced-fat ingredients make these quick and easy little pasta cakes nutritional winners, too. This article was written by a professional writer, copy edited and fact checked through a multi-point auditing system, in efforts to ensure our readers only receive the best information. Three ingredients, 22 minute cook time. Your email address will not be published. If you were going to get a tattoo today, what would it be of? Do you ever feel like you had a past life? What is the biggest sacrifice you've ever made for a relationship? What trip would you like to take together? Where is your favorite place to have sex outside of the bedroom? Chocolate Day 2021: Chef Suvir Saran shares exclusive chocolate recipes to make THIS day extra special. I've paid over ten dollars for one of these lobster rolls in Cape Cod and it wasn't half as good or half as big as the ones my Mom taught me to make. Whether you're firing up the barbecue or heading to a 'bring-a-plate' gathering this Australia Day, a platter (or two) of tasty finger foods won't go amiss. What have you always wanted tell me, but never had the guts to? Sometimes it's hard to know what questions to ask your partner to get to know him better. Have you ever been cheated on? When was the first time you ever masturbated? On a farm in the middle of nowhere, in an elegant house on the water, or in a hip, downtown condo? If your relationship is starting to get serious, it's important to know if you and your boyfriend have the same values, desire the same kind of life, and want the same type of relationship. Have you ever kissed someone under mistletoe? What are your most sensitive erogenous zones that don't always get attention? If you could go back to any moment in your life and do things differently, would you? Staying at an all-inclusive resort in Maui, sightseeing in London, or camping at Yosemite National Park? Have you ever cheated on anyone? Your partner probably has great stories that you've never heard, because they've never come up in conversation. Grapefruit lemonade recipe. 39 Healthy Snacks You Can Stuff in a Kong, 26 Quick & Easy Ways to Relieve Dog Boredom, 10 Ways to Give Your Dog More Mental Stimulation, 39 Healthy Treats You Can Stuff in a Kong, 26 Quick & Simple Ways To Relieve Dog Boredom, 33 Simple Ways to Keep Your Dog Busy Indoors,, 33 Easy Ways to Keep Your Dog Busy Indoors, 25 Easy Dog Treat Recipes: 5 Ingredients or Less, You know all the ingredients included in your dog’s treats, They’re a great way to practice your baking skills, Your dog will getting an extra special treat made by you, You’ll have a nice supply of training treats on hand, Baking can be relaxing (well it is to weirdos like me at least), Making dog treats (and baking in general) fosters creative expression. Do you like spending time with my family and friends? What relationship cliché do you think is true? What is your happiest memory from our relationship? Have you ever been pranked? Have you ever been in an emotionally or physically abusive relationship? (Cards, notes, photos, gifts). What is the weirdest thing you've ever bought? What is your favorite sexual position? What should I do more of? If you were going to start a charity, what would it be for? When you're having a bad day, what makes you feel better? What are your relationship deal breakers? What would you never change about your childhood? Who would you rather hire: a personal trainer, a personal chef, or a housekeeper? Are we changing each other in positive ways? Do you think a relationship can come back from cheating? You flooded our feeds with your favorite dishes, so this year, we asked again. If you could have any skill without having to work for it, what would it be? What one thing do you want to accomplish in your life? What fictional character do you relate to the most? How did you handle it? If you could change your name to anything, what would you pick? What would you do if you could be a woman for a day? Do you watch, read, or listen to the news? In hot summer days, a chilled glass of grapefruit lemonade would be great to indulge in. In an ideal world, how many times would you have sex in a week? Have you ever had to break up with a friend? How would you describe your relationship with your family? Where is your ideal place to live? ), What is your favorite part about sex? What is the best present you've ever received? Whether you're shopping for a friend, father, or husband, we picked the best gifts every man will want this year, from the coolest watches to … What is the biggest risk you've ever taken? If you had to go back to school, what would you study? What do I do that makes you feel appreciated? If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose? What is your favorite part about being an adult? Have you ever/would you ever go to a dominatrix? Kick it … It’s another one that smells awesome so expect some excitement in the kitchen while you’re cooking these. (Nipples, ears, neck, etc. What should I do less of? 9. Whether you've been together for six weeks or six years, these questions are the perfect way to open up communication, create intimacy, and get to know your …