The … More than 1,000,000 of its ICLs have been implanted to date. STAR Program. Click HERE for further directions on how to access your students STAAR scores. You can find STAAR raw score conversion tables listed below. Then click GO. For Confidential Student Reports from STAAR administrations prior to Spring 2017, please contact the school at which the student tested. 4. STAAR Frequency Distributions STAAR. © Copyright 2007-2021 Texas Education Agency (TEA). Dear Parent/Guardian, The results for the 3rd and 4th grade STAAR assessments will be available online by Mid-June. If you do not know your child’s Access Code, click on . Go to Teacher Portal . Select “Log in to Student Portal” 4. Click the blue “Go” button again to see your child’s scores. STAAR Aggregate Level Data Results 2) Click “Log in to Student Portal” OR . For Families Understanding Your Childs' Score Be sure to write down your access code for future use. These STAAR report cards are often referred to as Confidential Student Reports (CSR). On the same portal, use the "Lookup Access Code" feature (see image below) by entering your child's first name, PEIMS ID (Social Security Number) and date of birth. STAAR also makes … 3. Click “look up access code”. The company makes products for minimally invasive ophthalmic surgical procedures. Analytic Portal. Enter student’s first name, Social Security number, and Date of Birth. Below you will find links to information and resources on: Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) TAKS Accommodated TAKS–Modified Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) STAAR Alternate STAAR Modif You will then enter your child's first name, PEIMS number (social security number or state ID number), Date of Birth, and then click GO. Raw Score Conversion Tables, Governor's Committee On People With Disabilities. Click the blue “Go” button again to see your child’s scores. The code must be entered exactly as it appears. Go to Click on Log In to Student Portal. To log in and view your child's assessment results, enter the six-character Unique Access Code and the date of birth that appears on their most recent STAAR Report Card. Username: The links below direct you to STAAR specific information: STAAR Statewide Summary … | It is the policy of the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, religion, national origin or age. You can find student assessment-related reports and studies on the TEA Student Assessment web page. Lookup Access Code To log in and view your assessment results, enter your six-character unique Access Code and the student's date of birth that appears an STAR LEARN MORE ABOUT YOUR CHILD'S SCORE HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD SUCCEED Ways to help your child grow academically . 2. Also known as the STAAR Assessment Management System, this system allows users to locate resources and information specific to the administration of STAAR grades 3–8 and EOC assessments. The table below contains the STAAR raw score conversion tables for 2018–2019. Secure site for authorized educators to access historical student testing data for the STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, and TELPAS programs. Learn about your child’s test score in the STAAR Report Card. 5. If you don't know the access code, click on Lookup Access Code. The basic score on any test is the raw score, which is simply the number of questions correct. Check your child's STAAR Test Scores. If you have difficulty accessing information on our website because of a disability, please contact us at . STAAR Scores Portal. 3 -- The “Texas Assessment Data Portal” tab in Focus includes the Unique Access Code required to view your child’s STAAR EOC results. Once in the site, enter your child's Access Code and Date of Birth. Watch the overview video to see how the test is designed and what information is gained. Click on “Log in to Student Portal”. The basic score on any test is the raw score, which is simply the number of questions answered correctly. Please enter your username, then select "Continue." I need help understanding the STAAR Report Card. Non-secure site for administrators, educators, and the public to access data for the STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, and TELPAS programs. Parents can view their student's STAAR scores in the online portal. STAAR Testing Score Access. The Texas Education Agency publishes STAAR report cards for all students every year. STAAR Testing Score Access. STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Comparison Scores: state: 3762 @istrict: 4336 ©ampus: 4099 Reporting Category Results Repo rting Category History 2 Geography and Culture 3 Government and Citizenship 4 Economics, Science, Technology, and Society Total Student's Scale Score 3625 3550 4268 Teacher Portal. You can interpret a raw score only in terms of a particular set of test questions. Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District is committed to ensuring that its website is accessible to people with disabilities. message saying, “Access Code Lookup Successful”. Step 1: Go to Secure site for authorized educators to access historical student testing data for the STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, and TELPAS programs. Every student who takes the STAAR test receives a STAAR Report Card that helps parents see where their child is doing well and where he or she may need extra help. You can also analyze administrations within the same grade and subject area to give insight into whether student performance is improving across years. Lookup Student Access Code: Student's First Name PEIMS ID Month Day Year Cancel Lookup Student Access Code To log in and view your assessment results, enter your six-character Unique Access Code and the student's date of birth that appears on your most recent STAAR Report Card. ENERGY STAR score details by property type. Learn More Understanding the Test Score. The access code can be found at the bottom of your child’s STAAR Confidential Student Report from prior years. Learn More about the STAAR test. Scale scores differ from raw scores in … You can only interpret a raw score as a particular set of test questions. Here is the link: To log in and view your child's assessment results, enter the six-character Unique Access Code and the date of birth that appears on their most recent STA… Step 3: Enter Access Code and your child’s date of birth and click . 3. Dear Parent/Guardian, The results for the 3rd and 4th grade STAAR assessments will be available online by Mid-June. You can analyze average scale scores and the percentage of students meeting the standard or meeting minimum expectations across administrations. Irving ISD officials blame its dismal showing on the new STAAR exams on double testing by other districts and bad state data. Unlike raw scores, you can interpret scale scores across different sets of test questions. STAAR Alternate 2, TELPAS, and TELPAS Alternate Assessment Management System, STAAR Alternate 2,TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate, TEA's Student Assessment Division Website, Student Assessment Testing Calendars and Calendar of Events, Test Administration Manuals and Materials. NOTE: If you don't know your child's state-assigned unique access code click Lookup Access Code. Copyright © 2002-2021 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Go to 2. STAAR. Lookup Student Access Code: LEARN MORE ABOUT YOUR CHILD'S SCORE Log in to the secure student portal to learn more about your child's score and how to help improve it. 4. STAAR Surgical does what it can to help you to see more clearly. Lookup Access Code Ta log in and view your assessment results, enter your six-character Unique Access Code and the student's date ofbirth that appears on your most recent STAAR Report Card. To access your student's STAAR Report Card (SRC), follow the steps below: 1. Click here to view Teacher Portal Overview video. 1. 1. Go to the TEA student Assessment Web Page, STAAR Statewide Summary Reports The code must be entered exactly as it appears. STAAR Scores For more information on how to read your child’s report card, please see “What’s New” at The code is good for as long as your child is in a public school in Texas. Explanation of Test Results The basic score on any test is the raw score, which is the number of questions answered correctly. For an overview of the methodology used to develop EPA’s 1 – 100 ENERGY STAR scores, see Portfolio Manager Technical Reference: ENERGY STAR Score.This document provides information on the process used to create the ENERGY STAR scores, including details on score objectives, analytic techniques, and the steps applied to compute a score. Take a Tour of the STAAR Report Card Below A walkthrough of the STAAR Report Card. Log In to Student Portal. If you know the access code enter it and the birthdate. “Parent/Guardian Instructions” and a link to the portal are also included. If you do not know your child's Access Code, click LOOKUP ACCESS CODE. Follow these steps to access your child’s scores from a laptop or computer (not a phone or tablet): 1) Go to the Texas Assessment Management System (TAMS), which is available at The code is good for as long as your child is in a public school in Texas. Your access code will appear in the code field with a message saying, “Access Code Lookup Successful”. It tests curriculum taught from the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, which in turn is taught by public schools. Use the state assigned Unique Access Code (UAC) to log into the portal to view your child’s STAAR scores and access additional resources. Don't Have An Access … You will see a screen like this: 3. 2. STAAR Score Online Access for Parents and Guardians . STAAR scores are now available in the Texas Assessment Data Portal. STAAR Statewide Item Analysis Reports, Data File Formats Welcome to the STAR Web page. Unique Student Access Code Access Code Student's Date Month Day of Birth Year LOG IN TO STUDENT PORTAL a Find My Unique Student Access Codec LEARN MORE ABOUT YOUR CHILD'S SCORE To log in and view your child's assessment results, enter the six-character Unique Access Code and the date of birth that appears on their most recent STAAR Report Card. STAAR scores will be available on the parent portal by Tuesday for students who took the December STAAR tests. To improve communication and transparency with educators and families, TEA has conducted an overhaul of the STAAR … Copy ACCESS CODE (Used to Retrieve Scores), PSJA ISD Administration Building, 601 E. Kelly. Scale scores convert the raw score onto a scale that is common to all test forms for that assessment, taking into account the difficulty level of the specific questions on the test. STAAR Testing Score Access. The STAAR test provides scores for students using both scale scores and raw scores. Beginning January 2013, all stations that wish to certify directed and gross-polluting vehicles must meet specific … Read the step-by-step guide to the STAAR Report Card and learn more about your child’s score. STAAR Report Cards for Spring 2017 Grades 3-8 will be available through the Portal on June 30, 2017. Go to Follow these steps to access your child’s scores from a laptop or computer (not a phone or tablet): 1) Go to the Texas Assessment Management System (TAMS), which is available at Performance Standards Use the state assigned Unique Access Code (UAC) to log into the portal to view your child’s STAAR scores and access additional resources. The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, commonly referred to as its acronym STAAR (/ s t ɑːr / STAR), are a series of standardized tests used in Texas public primary and secondary schools to assess a student's achievements and knowledge learned in the grade level. Step 2: Click on . NOTE: STAAR Report Cards for Spring 2017 EOC are available through the Portal as of June 12, 2017. PSJA College, Career & Technology Academy, College for All Conference & Learning Tours - TBD, Response to Intervention / 504 / Dyslexia, Spring 2020 Optional End-of-Year Assessment Registration, Click on “Download PDF’” to view Student Report Card. Why does my child have to take the test? Secure site for parents and/or students to access a student’s state assessment scores for the STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, and TELPAS programs. Secure site for parents and/or students to access a student’s state assessment scores for the STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, and TELPAS programs. If you have a previous year STAAR score report, the unique access code can be found at the bottom of the report (see image below). Teacher Portal. The … 2. If you DO have your unique student access code, enter the code and your child’s date of birth to view their scores. This feature will ask you for your child's first name, PEIMS ID (Social Security Number) and date of birth. For Families Understanding Your Childs' Score All About the STAAR Test How to Help My Child Prepare Literacy and Lexile® Measures Quantile® Measures FAQS STAAR ALTERNATE 2. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Be sure to write down your access code for future use. Test scores for STAAR grades 3-8 EOC and grades 3-8 are now available online for parents to access. Go. Its primary products include Visian-branded implantable lenses (ICLs) for correcting such refractive conditions as near- and far-sightedness and astigmatism. Go to Student Portal. NOTE: If you don't know your child's state-assigned unique access code click Lookup Access Code. All Rights Reserved.