ko te tau i ahau Kei Te Puna ko Paparoa , ko 5. Taku kai me kawe atu ki ko atu ki Maketu WORDS ANDY TAYLOR IMAGES SUPPLIED. Te iwi kau nei ko Tukairangi E noho matua kore nei. Hold whakaroto au ki Katikati Tera koia ra nga uru whetu Rereatukahia ko Tamawhariua She swam on past Mauao and out into the open ocean. Anne Davison Anthony Wiggle Australia Baby Bumble Bee baritone Billie Jean C.C. ana te tau o ate Ko te wehi o te rangi ka tapu ra nga kokopu o te moana They’re definitely helping us to figure out what ‘New Zealand folk music’ could be, they’re Making Yodelling Great Again, and they’re putting on brilliant shows worthy of the standing ovations they receive. Kia tangi atu au haere ra e tama Tu mai koe Ngati Pukenga I thought that this was a really cool song that could be a great local singalong – I really never thought so much about it or the fact that it was a Māori song. Kia kite mai nga wahine pouwaru He pare ra e u ia Tutereinga, Ko Poututerangi Waiata a te Ra Kaore te aroha ki taku tau kahurangi Kapakapa t? “Dad plays guitar, Mum sings the bangers at the end of the show, my best friend – we went to school together and were best men at each other’s weddings – is on ukulele, his Mum plays bass, and on lead guitar we have a young fulla from the country music club just to keep us from being too square. Kia tutuki taku haere ki Te Urumingi Ki te nohanga nui n?...i. PG Part 2 of 2. That was a mammoth task, but we got there.” The album, Waiata Ngahau, is a neat encapsulation of the band and also something of a celebration – it’s all there, with a great ‘live’ production sound and an assured confidence brought together by a bunch of musicians who know exactly what they are doing. Premium seafood from the pristine waters of Aotearoa New Zealand. Ka rere arorangi kite uru ki Whakapoukarakia Ko te waka kawe i te roto o tuku tahi Ki Hungahungatoroa ki Whareroa Kei o tuakana kei o teina “We recorded the album at Red Room studios in Puhoi, and paid the money to get it properly tracked and mastered by Chris at KOG studio. Ko te huruhuru o taku tara e tu ake nei Haere tika tonu an ki tatahi Ka titiro whakawaho kite maunga e hi mai ra Ki nga nohanga tupuna Te turangawaewae o Ngai Te Ahi The title – Waiata Ngahau – is fitting, meaning that the songs are uplifting, and spirited, and yet it almost ended up being called something else entirely. Plenty caught up with frontman Jeremy Hantler to hear about crowd-funding their new album, embracing Te Reo, and Making Yodelling Great Again TM . Ko te tuku mai te kanohi Kia hoatu e Ngati Maru ki tona kainga whakamanamana ai E noho mai to kai huahua ra Kia marama te titiro ki nga mata whanga o roto kakahi At the entrance to Tauranga Harbour in the Bay of Plenty, the volcanic cone of Mauao (Mt Maunganui) presides over the territory of the Tauranga Moana iwi.Linked through a long history of migration, wars and allegiances, … Instead they took a more Kiwi, DIY approach. Chordify is your #1 platform for chords. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "Tauranga-moana".Found in 0 ms. Kei Otumoetai kua ngaro ratou Our projects place emphasis on iwi/hapu/whanau capacity building Kei reira ra tu mai koe Tamaoho Probably some old school songs, probably some Māori songs, but definitely songs that sound like they’re ‘from here’. Kite moana i tere ai a te whawhati Rū ana te whenua, 6 whatiwhati te moana Aue te aroha Aue te aroha te mamae i ahau e. Rū ana te whenua whatiwhati. Haere tonu ki Oropi ki Te Waoku e Moana New Zealand is the largest Māori-owned fisheries company in New Zealand (Aotearoa). Haere ra e tama whaia atu ra Ko Te Rangihouhiri Aue te riri, aue te mamae e! The family buzz, the surprising Te Reo Māori fluency, or just that we all look like we’re having a good time jamming – and once we put a version on Facebook everything snowballed from there. Join Facebook to connect with Edward Frank Delamere and others you may know. Tauranga Moana was a very rich district, rich in food resources, with a great variety of envi-ronments, which could support many village communities. Rere tika tonu atu taku haere I noho pohara ?? “We have to remember that we’re not far along from when parents would complain if their kids were taught Māori songs. Kei reira ra ko Ngati Hangarau You’re hopefully going to be hearing a lot more of The Harmonic Resonators in the Bay of Plenty. Ko enei ra nga nohonga tupuna Tauranga Moana Lyrics. Be warned. I raro i te marumaru o Te Maunga Ki Ohauiti ki Tongaparaoa [G F# B A E C#m D#m] Chords for Tauranga Moana actions with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Tauranga Moana Figure 2: Actual and projected population of Tauranga Moana3. Hei whakamutunga mo enei haerenga Tu mokemoke. I’ve been going to parties where we’ve been singing them for yonks and as a music teacher I’ve been singing them with kids for ages. Hikitia hapainga ake i te tautara ki Ohau e It’s a far cry from squabbling over harmonies in the back of a Honda Accord. Tauranga Moana are a grouping of Māori iwi (tribe) based in and around the Tauranga Harbour and Bay of Plenty. Tu mai koe ko Ranginui 2 talking about this. So even if, “I’d really like to make a kids album,” says Hantler. Ka piki au i nga tihi o Maungatutu, Otanewainuku me Puwhenua Katahi te hokinga ka rua te hokinga uaua Loading the chords for 'Tenei te Waka o Mataatua'. Ko koe ra e omaoma ana i te ngutu mai ono ki Ohinemutu Peke atu au ki Waikari Kōrero: Tauranga Moana. aku tupuna Documentary exploring the 1980 trial of Lindy Chamberlain, who was falsely accused of murdering her baby during a camping trip in the outback, after the child was attacked by a dingo. Breathe it in C C/F I know it's a lot, the hair, the bod! Kite moe a te kino ma wai e ranga E hara i anei i te rawa taawhiri Hoki, piki ano ki runga Mauao Whakawhiti au ki Kaitemako ki Te ?Pae o Tu ki Titirua Kau atu te Moana ki Matakana I te tira hurikino kei to whaea ra i I parekura ai i te mura o te ahi Ngati Ranginui Ngai-Te Rangi Tauranga Moana City Clinic is a General Practice with Doctors providing General Practitioner (GP) services in Gate Pa, Tauranga