Know this; Killing is my business, ladies, and busi. A man puts a gun to a man's back and crotch. Harley-Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy in Major Payne, Movie, 1995 . Problem is I got nothin' to scratch. Oprah was the queen of … Is. 50% off your first year of the CBS All Access Annual Plan with code PARAMOUNTPLUS. Orlando Brown (born December 4, 1987) is an American actor, rapper, and singer, who is best known for his work as a child actor in the late 1990s and early 2000s. MAJOR PAYNE is a send-up of formulaic movies about sadistic drill sergeants who whip pathetic recruits into shape for their own good. There is a war scene with explosions: A man has a bleeding chest and another breaks his finger (crooked finger shown). Brown's television roles include portraying 3J in Family Matters (1996–1998), Max in Two of a Kind (1998–1999), Sticky Webb in The Proud Family (2001–2005), and Eddie Thomas in That's So Raven (2003–2007). John G. Payne took command of the area now known as Fort Payne, Alabama, in the 1880s. Major Payne’s new charges include all manner of cliched characters (the nerd, the fat kid, the dedicated military type, the arrogant surfer guy, and a little kid) who are not interested in becoming a top unit. Major Payne came out riding a cultural wave and I think it was the first time I recognized a movie as being a part of what learned folk call the zeitgeist. Major Payne []. The obvious jokes in "Major Payne" may give you minor pain, but laughter is pretty good medicine, and this film does have laughs. He also encounters Miss Walburn, whose looks interest him more than her ideas on relating to … Then-Capt. Ness. Major Payne is United States Marine Major and Vietnam War Veteran and is the Main Protagonist of the movie Major Payne. Author Message; antp The Cherokees were keen to assimilate into the population of the greater United States, but the U.S. would have none of it. Payne is still a killin' machine, but the wars of the world are now not fought on the battlefield. Major Benson Winifred Payne is being discharged from the Marines. It was released in 1995, at the height of a syndicated tabloid talk show boom. GOOD! Class: Bikes, Road — Model origin: Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene. Damon Wayans stars as Major Payne… VIOLENCE/GORE 3 - Some of the violence and gore here are played for laughs. Major Benson Winifred Payne is a marine who was sent to a preparatory school to train a group of socially disabled JROTC students. See the full list of Major Payne cast and crew including actors, directors, producers and more. Harley-Davidson FLSTF Fat Boy. Comments about this vehicle. A lifetime career Marine, he has therefore that his commander finds him a job - officer of a regional school's … Fort Payne was the site of Willstown, a Cherokee settlement where the Cherokee language received its alphabet. [After being discharged from the Marines] It's been two whole weeks since I killed me a man.And already I'm startin' to get the itch.