Special Thanks Schaken Jobobby04 SeeTruck-2000#6685 Taoxue Check out some of their great work! They will wait outside for you to reappear, but after waiting 3 days, your follower will leave. If not, retry your sequece from an earlier save. For those already familiar with the guide: the changelog has all the details. For those who don't know it yet, it's a modding guide that's mostly V+ in looks and gameplay, while adding a few more roleplay options because that was the thing about Skyrim that I was missing the most. It's easy! If this is a mod follower and you have the creation kit you can try loading the mod file and removing the actor's follower factions, then he won't follow you. This is my first follower so shout out to everyone at Shaken-Mods for all of there patience and for sharing their knowledge with me. Share ... You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC . There are a few things you can try. Some will tell you that your follower can't follow, others won't. ! By Kingcomicbook April 3, 2016 in PC Gaming. Follower won't follow bug I recently started a new game (my only mods being the unofficial patches atm), and I just got Lydia as a follower. Followers will have additional dialogue for MANY different situations. It kept following me even after I had completed it's quest. While followers will attempt to remain at your side, there are some places in Skyrim where they cannot accompany you (such as jail). The best Skyrim followers. I have no problem with Jade following me around (I let her follow Vilja, so it\’s no problem to leave them behind temporarily without having to tell each follower separately), but after the Quest Brother and Keeper I do not want Raynes to follow me anymore. I made Farkas my follower but lo and behold the guy won't leave me alone now. Follower from Interesting NPC mod won't stop following me! I've used it on the dog for a particular quest. Skyrim followers come with their own advantages and disadvantages, so choose wisely. She follows me everywhere in whiterun, like into buildings, but once I leave Whiterun she dosen't go through the gates. I had the same problem when I tried to force Delphine to be a follower - she wouldn't leave. Should a follower ever leave your service, they will return to their normal lives. This is common when escorting a temporary mage follower, or summoning an Atronach that uses projectile spells. When damaged badly enough by rockfalls or traps that are triggered by you, a follower may leave your service and attack. ... PC won't start, motherboard lights up but RGB ram and fans don't turn on. Tested with Nether's Follower Framework- Works Great marriage quest- may not work if youve already spoken to Maramal. I've also had her follow me out of a dungeon only to turn around and go back in. To make matters worse, when I engage conversation with him, it doesn't even give me the option for "Wait here" or "It's time for us to part ways..." The only thing I can say to him is "Can you train me in Heavy Armor?" I have found that there ARE some places she won't enter - rare, but it happens. ... Skyrim; Follower from Interesting NPC mod won't stop following me! Create an account. New version of Skyrim Enhanced is ready! Skyrim followers won't go away Skyrim followers won't go away. And editing morality stats. By manomee Meaning, they won't use the same line over and over when asking them to trade items, wait, ask a favor, follow, dismiss, etc. They also have much more dialogue for the follower commands. Sign up for a new account in our community. Well, some followers only use a specific type of weapon, unless you take their original weapon and leave them with nothing but the one you want them to use. He is definitely no fun person and he is no asset for my sneaky way to play :) There are more than 70 potential followers across Tamriel. It's also pretty frustrating because when I try to kill him, he enters bleedout … They will have much more to say than the same 3 greetings and 2-3 farewells. User Info: J_walker6. Followers can and will attack your horse, summons, thralls and other temporary followers if hit by them enough. That one's weird. I'd try to fast travel somewhere to see if she follows.